Ubiquitous Computing to Support Wellbeing

Providing personalized wellbeing support through context-aware computing and machine learning, leveraging mobile, wearable, and IoT technologies.

Our Research Area

Our research focuses on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp).
Major research areas include (1) Cognitive and Affective Computing, (2) IoT Data Science and Platform Research, and (3) Digital Health and Wellbeing Interventions. We strive not only to make scholarly contributions but also to create a social impact by making our findings and services accessible.
We are conducting research with an interest in all of the following steps.

Sense & Collect

We work on sensing user behavior and contextual data using smartphones, wearables, and IoT devices

Explore & Analyze

We analyze the collected data to understand wellbeing states and build predictive models through machine learning

Act & Service

We develop, evaluate, and deploy data-driven personalized wellbeing support services in the wild
