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Data-intensive Future Smart Home and Proactive Health Service Design Research

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As time at home increases due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic and non-face-to-face services are spreading, the roles of smart home are rapidly expanding. Beyond simple environment monitoring and home appliance control, smart home technologies must consider new user needs such as health care, remote work, and education. In this project, we aim to explore data-intensive smart homes by developing a novel interactive service for proactive health management (e.g., smart speaker apps). Data-intensive future smart home will be prototyped to investigate practical challenges that may arise in the process of collecting and analyzing extensive data (e.g., security/privacy, data quality, and mental models). Furthermore, we design and implement a middleware layer that supports seamless data collection from heterogeneous smart devices and enables data analytics pipeline and interactive data visualization.


스마트홈 IoT 기술 및 프라이버시 최신 연구 동향
신유원, 이현수, 최우혁, 김희평, 정용, and 이의진
2022년 한국컴퓨터종합학술대회(KCC) 논문집

Participated Students

Hyunsoo Lee
Hyunsoo Lee
Post Doctoral Researcher
Youngji Koh
Youngji Koh
Ph.D. Student
Eunki Joung
Eunki Joung
M.S. Student
Heejeong Lim
Heejeong Lim
M.S. Student